Nellie's Nuggets

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I Miss Daddy

Well, this Father's Day is almost over, but I realized again today just how much I miss my father. It has been seven and a half years since he passed away, yet there are still times that missing him just engulfs me.

It happened at church this morning when one of the men spoke about fathers before leading a prayer. He mentioned that there were probably many in the audience who had lost their fathers and WHAM! it hit me. I miss Daddy.

I don't think we ever get over losing our parents. Mom is still with us, and I don't like to think about the fact that one day she will be gone as well. She is such a feisty, fun woman of 83!

Daddy would be so proud of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He would delight in spoiling Paris Grace, and Tripp, too. Although we tend to think that all men want a son, Daddy was always partial to little girls. My sister and I were so fortunate to have a father who showed his love to us in so many ways: by providing for us, laughing with us while playing games, loving our mother so dearly, and of course, by disciplining us when we made bad choices. He was probably the most forgiving man I have ever known. (My husband runs a close second!)

I shed some tears this morning as I thought of Daddy and how much all of us miss having him here with us. Then I wiped away the tears as I remembered where he is and with whom he now lives. Wow! Talk about a gift.

I miss you, Daddy. I am so blessed and thankful you were my father.


  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Mary Lou said…

    I can really relate. I've thought exactly the same things you mentioned about your own dad when I think about my dad. My father has been gone for seven years. I too look at my grandchildren and think of how much he would have loved watching them. In fact I mentioned that to Kim just this weekend as we watched Aidan playing. Daddy would have been captivated by Regan's charm too. So, yes, we miss our dads but know they are in a better place.

    Good thoughts Nell. Thank you.

  • At 3:56 PM, Blogger Nellie said…

    Thanks for the comments, girls. Sandy, let us know when Baylee gets here. We are anxiously waiting to hear all about her.


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