I've Been Busy!
Okay, so it's been months and months since I posted anything. But I have really been very busy. In December my mom fell and broke her hip. She is 84. This was the first really serious health problem that Mom has had in many years. She required two surgeries before the hip was really repaired. After the first surgery, she had quite a bit of pain and was having lots of trouble getting around. After the second surgery she had hardly any pain, and she is now walking well with a cane. She is still frustrated that she is so slow, but I think she is doing a wonderful job in her recovery. I stayed with her for 3 months, and during that time I did not have much time to blog, although I did enjoy reading other people's blogs!
After returning home, I was busy preparing to help our daughter, Sarah, who was expecting our third grandchild - another girl. Vivian Faith Foster was born on April 21st and weighed 7lbs. 6 ozs. She was 19-1/2 in. long. She lost a good bit of weight after her birth, but now she is gaining and is filling out those newborn outfits! (See her picture above!!)
I'll try to post much more often now that my life is somewhat back to normal. Whatever normal is! I have lots of thoughts and lots of things that have happened over the past few months, so I'll be sharing a few of them each week. And, of course, I'll keep you updated on all of the family.
I just love being a grandmother. (Or, in my case, I love being Graggie!)