Nellie's Nuggets

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Are You Focused?

A few months ago our family became amused at our granddaughter's use of the word "focused." It seems our daughter and son-in-law had been telling her, "Paris, focus" whenever they were trying to talk to her about something important or helping her do something she was having difficulty doing.

She would announce at various times, "I'm focused." Then, about a month ago, my mother (Paris' great-grandmother) asked her what she was focused on. She answered, "John." Now John happens to be a little boy who was in her pre-school class. Whenever Paris says John's name, it is drawn out and she smiles and ducks her head a little. All of this from a just turned 3 year old.

We continue to ask Paris who/what she is focused on, and her answer changes from day to day and time to time. For instance, when she and her mother had a day just for the two of them last week, she told her mom, "Mommy, today I am focused on YOU!" Isn't that sweet?

As I've pondered this little expression of hers - I'm focused- it has become a point of consideration for me. Who am I focused on? What am I focused on? Is it myself and my own needs? My husband and his needs? Our extended family and their needs? My friends and their needs? And then I pull myself up short and hear that inner voice reminding me that I should be focused on God, His Word, my brother Jesus and their needs.

Woa, Nellie! What are their needs? That I should write their words on my heart, worhip them, submit myself to them wholly, and live my life so others will come to know them as I do: master, savior, friend, the ones in control.

Ah, yes, the FOCUS. Unfortunately, I frequently have been rather myopic in my focus. I've kept my focus up close and it has not extended outward to the long range vision area. I question myself on how I have shown God/Jesus to others.

Then tonight at church, one of my favorite people (because he is so unselfish and humble) shared thoughts on making God our focus and finding ways to show him to others in our every day life. Kaboom!! Hit in the head with it again. Okay, okay, I'm getting the message. I haven't yet shared with my friend that God spoke to me through him. Yes, I'm one of those people who believe that God speaks to us if we will just learn to be quiet and listen.

It has been placed in my heart and head to be more focused on God and Jesus and to strive to find better, stronger ways to live their ways for others to see. Come join me as I seek to focus more on God, to write His Word deeper on my heart, to acknowledge Him with all I do, and to show Him to others with my life.

Lord, thank you for sending me this message through a precious child and a dear friend. Help me to "keep my focus" and send someone to remind me when my focus gets fuzzy.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Keep on Prayin'!

The latest news on the job search is encouraging. A second interview with a large company in Houston went well today. We are almost fearful of getting our hopes up, but I have decided to just outright claim this job for my son-in-law. I was listening to KSBJ while in my car during the day today (running errands, shopping, etc.) and I just had this "feeling" that good news was on its way. I know, I know, feelings are not always to be trusted, and the good news may not be this particular job, but it certainly was an encouragement. So, keep the prayers going - I'll keep you posted!

By the way, the shopping I was doing was for my granddaughter's third birthday tomorrow. Her party is on Saturday, and she is so excited. Most of the kids in her pre-school class had birthdays in June, and she has attended all of their parties. She was counting down to her own party by listing the parties that came before hers. When she went to the latest party on Tuesday, she announced to her mother as they left, "Now it's my turn!" Ah, the joys of childhood. Can't wait to see her!

In the meantime, I'm realizing that every day should be a birthday party of sorts. Every day is a new day in my life with Christ. Because of his cleansing blood and grace, I get a "do-over" when I need one. Praise God for the glorious sacrifice of his son and for the mercy he shows me every day. May I never take it for granted, but share the joy and hope that comes from a committed, continual walk with Christ. He will even carry me until I am strong enough to stand. What a gift every day - it's a present, just like a birthday present only - better!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Please pray for a job!

Have you ever needed a job? I mean REALLY needed a job? Well, my sweet son-in-law needs a job. He is so talented and intelligent. He was laid off from his job last October just before their second child was born.

Thus far, their little family has been able to keep things going with small jobs on the side and with a little help from an inheritance from a grandmother. But, my goodness, it is time for a JOB!

They had a disappointment earlier this week when a job he interviewed for went to an individual who already worked with the employer. Bless their hearts, they took the disappointment in stride and said that maybe that family needed the job more than they did.

Anyway, if you read this, please pray for a job for my son-in-law to become reality. They have been very faithful and have not questioned why things have gone the way they have.

We all know that God will provide. I just believe ever so strongly in the power of prayer.

I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I Miss Daddy

Well, this Father's Day is almost over, but I realized again today just how much I miss my father. It has been seven and a half years since he passed away, yet there are still times that missing him just engulfs me.

It happened at church this morning when one of the men spoke about fathers before leading a prayer. He mentioned that there were probably many in the audience who had lost their fathers and WHAM! it hit me. I miss Daddy.

I don't think we ever get over losing our parents. Mom is still with us, and I don't like to think about the fact that one day she will be gone as well. She is such a feisty, fun woman of 83!

Daddy would be so proud of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He would delight in spoiling Paris Grace, and Tripp, too. Although we tend to think that all men want a son, Daddy was always partial to little girls. My sister and I were so fortunate to have a father who showed his love to us in so many ways: by providing for us, laughing with us while playing games, loving our mother so dearly, and of course, by disciplining us when we made bad choices. He was probably the most forgiving man I have ever known. (My husband runs a close second!)

I shed some tears this morning as I thought of Daddy and how much all of us miss having him here with us. Then I wiped away the tears as I remembered where he is and with whom he now lives. Wow! Talk about a gift.

I miss you, Daddy. I am so blessed and thankful you were my father.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another "Last"

Today I attended my last official Principals' Meeting for GCCISD. It felt strangely euphoric as I listened to the issues being discussed and knew that I would not have to deal with them come August. One of my colleagues accused me of being absolutely giddy. I must agree that I felt that way.

Another retiring principal and I were "roasted" by our supervisors before being presented with a lovely gift of recognition for our years of service. As I listened to the "incidents" of my career recalled by my peers I had to laugh with the group. Especially when I was presented with a pair of suspenders to hold my skirt up. That was given in remembrance of the time my skirt literally fell off while I was teaching second grade. As I recall, that happened during year 2 or 3 of my career in Goose Creek, and through the years I have never been able to live that one down. Someone always remembers and mentions it. The best part is that whoever brings it up always mentions that I seized it as a teachable moment to tell all of the little girls that now they could see why it was important to always wear a slip! Of course, if I am wearing a skirt when the story is told I always have to prove that I still wear a slip. Someone asked me about it after the meeting today, and I was able to slightly lift the hem of my skirt and verify that ,yes, I still wear a slip!

As my final days of work are quickly coming to a close I realize what a very special time in my life the past 17 years have been. During that time our children have graduated from school, married (quite happily), and I have been blessed with two beautiful grandchildren. I went back to school, earned my Master's Degree and Administrator Certification, became an assistant principal and then a principal. All of that while staying married to the love of my life, Skip. The combination of personal and professional goals that have been met are strong reminders that I can do nothing without God and the saving grace of Jesus.

I have always tried to share my faith and beliefs to as great an extent as I legally could in my professional life, and I know in several instances I have been an influence for good. It is so very true that God will guide you and that with his watering you can bloom where you are planted. I have also come to realize that his pruning, though painful at times, has allowed me to be a better servant for him.

Now I look forward to the next opportunities he will place before me. How can I not be excited?! What awaits me? Where will he lead me? How can I serve him more? I'll keep you posted as I discover the answers.

(By the way, the latest book I am reading is Leaving the Saints by Martha Beck. (Sorry, but I don't know how to underline. Let me know if anyone reading this knows how to do that.) I am about half way through the book, and it is very interesting. I saw her on TV doing an interview and was curious to read her book. She shares some interesting facts about the Mormon church.)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The TEPSA Conference was great. Lots of fun and laughter with many of my colleagues. Oh yes, I did some shopping as well. Bath & Body Works was having their semi-annual BOGO sale. (I love BOGO!)

And, of course, I had to visit Gymboree and purchase new outfits for Paris and Tripp. Couldn't leave Skip out, so a trip to Barnes & Noble resulted in a new military novel for him.

Just so you know, all of these shops are within walking distance from the hotel, and I didn't miss a single session I was scheduled to attend. :)

Once I left Austin, I traveled straight (well, maybe there was a curve or two) to Bryan/College Station to meet up with Sarah and family to travel on to Baytown. That was Thursday evening. Early, early Friday morning, Sarah and Easy left with friends to head to Atlanta for a business conference. Fortunately for them they were ahead of Hurricane Arlene on their way there, and it looks like they will be missing most of the action on their way home tomorrow. Thank you, Lord.

Paris, Tripp, Dadoo and I (that's the Graggie part!) have had a great day together today. Slept late (as in 6:30 instead of 5:00) and then played all morning. Skip mowed and edged while I did laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. Can you believe I still know how to get things done with two children - one almost three and the other one almost 8 months?!! I really impressed myself. Maybe I need them around all of the time. I think I have accomplished more with them here than I do when I don't have them. Then again, maybe it's just my new focus. What do you think?

The kids are down for the night, I've had my shower and shampoo, so I'm going to get a cup of tea and sit back and read my latest.

I'll give you a review after I finish reading it! That's it for today's nugget.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Paperwork is a drag!

Retiring is great, but completing all of the paperwork to do it is really a pain! I spent at least two hours today filling out forms, getting signatures, making copies of birth certificates, etc., etc. And all of this was to enable me to FINALLY be free of so much paperwork!!

Whew! Who knew when I entered the education profession that it would be so full of paperwork, when all I wanted to do was teach students. My, my can we cut down any more trees?!

I'll be gone for the next few days to TEPSA Conference in Austin. That's the annual conference for elementary principals. I decided to go this year to have one final trip with my colleagues. And since I plan to stay up to date on education, it will give me an opportunity to hear some of the latest (but maybe not the greatest) news in elementary education. Of course, along with attending sessions at the conference, there will be some shopping and opportunities to indulge in visiting some of our favorite restaraunts. ( P.F. Chang's and The Cheesecake Factory!!) I'll try to be good. Don't want those pounds I've lost to come creeping back.

I'll give a report on my journey when I return. Now I have to go pack!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Retirement is coming soon!!

I guess anyon who read this is wondering why I haven't "blogged" since spring break. Well, so much has happened, I'll summarize: I decided to retire at the end of this school year, I had major surgery to repair a very large hernia, we closed school for the children at the end of May, and now I am in the process of cleaning out my office, finishing up all the paperwork that principals do in the month of June, and looking forward to my last day - June 30th!

Wow! I am so excited about retiring. More time with my mom and the rest of my family is what really urged me towards my decision. Of course, some events related to school also played an important role. As far as that goes, I mostly just got tired of all the "junk" that comes with trying to do the best you can in a difficult position. Since I am in a position to take early retirement, I decided that I could do more with my time and be a much happier person if I retired now instead of later. Make sense? If not, it's okay, because it makes sense to me.

Hmm.. what shall I do with all of the time I will have now? Travel, read books, sleep late (if I can!), watch movies, do some writing, get more involved with church related activities, get deeper into the Word and have a closer walk with God. I like the sound of it all. Can't wait to get started. But first I think I'll take a Sunday afternoon nap - they're the best!!